House keys in a door

Property Services

A full range of property services, help, and guidance is offered to all of our clients, You do not have to buy or sell through us, we are here to help you with all your property needs.

• Private rental contract

• Key holding service and vacant property checks

• Legalisation of buildings/rectification of land sizes

• Registering properties ‘Catastro’ and ‘Registro de la Propiedad’

• Organise property insurance quotes

• Apply for building permits

• Set up utilities

• Resolving issues with water access

• Register your holiday rental property

Standard Rates

€45 an hour
Telephone calls €6 + time at standard rate
For quotes over €100, we request half to be paid up front and then half on completion of the work.
Translations: 0.4c a word; 0.6c a word for legal, medical or educational documents (these are for personal use only).