Most estate agents think that it’s ok to take their own photographs. Digital photography has improved everyone’s photographic skills, especially as it is now so easy to immediately check whether a picture is good enough to use for property marketing.
The trouble is, “good enough” is simply not good enough!
We believe that amateur photography is often sign of amateur estate agency. Our role is to maximise our clients’ sale prospects by ensuring that a property looks its absolute best. That’s why, when you instruct Lanjarón Property to help you move, we use professional equipment, not just, for example, our mobile phones.
There are many issues with property photography that are overcome by using a professional with the right skills, experience, creativity and equipment. If you look at many estate agents’ images online, you’ll probably see poorly colour-balanced pictures where whites come out a cold blue or jaundiced yellow. You’ll see hundreds of examples of converging parallels, where walls appear to fall outwards or inwards, or where entire buildings seem to be on the verge of falling over altogether. You’ll also see numerous underexposed shots which are light on detail due to the overpowering effect of a bright window in the shot, as well as untidy rooms because the agent has simply not bothered to think about the image being created.

After the photo shoot
A professional agent will, in almost every instance, also enhance images using sophisticated editing software. They can work magic by, for example, removing unsightly rubbish bins, or vehicles and even insert a beautiful blue sky even though the photo might have been taken on an overcast day.
When marketing your home, you only get one chance to create a superb first impression – one that will not only attract the right buyer, but which can also have a positive effect on maximizing your eventual sale price. Ensure your property stands out when buyers are looking online, just email info@lanjaronproperty.com or call us on (+34) 643 821 326.