November 2021

currency exchange update

Currency Exchange News 29th November 2021

Currency Exchange News November 2021. Market sentiment got hit for six last Friday as worries over the Omicron variant of Covid surfaced. As London is a major world travel hub, the UK is particularly vulnerable to this new variant, and traders fear that the economy would also suffer from further disruptions. The UK Government was […]

Currency Exchange News 29th November 2021 Read More »

Built to fail – How Spain is dealing with built in obsolescence?

Built to fail – How Spain is dealing with built in obsolescence?

Built to fail – How Spain is dealing with built in obsolescence? With Germany becoming the first European country to deal with “built in obsolescence” head on, other European countries are starting to make some progress, Spain has already dipped it’s “toe in the water” What does “built in obsolescence” mean, well basically, it is

Built to fail – How Spain is dealing with built in obsolescence? Read More »

October proeprty market report

October 2021 Property Market Report for Orgiva Property, Lanjaron Property and Lecrin Valley Property

October 2021 Property Market Report for Orgiva Property, Lanjaron Property and Lecrin Valley Property Hello and welcome to this month’s property market report for Órgiva, Lanjarón, The Lecrin Valley and the Alpujarra. Last month in Orgiva, there were a total of 103 properties advertised for sale however there are only actually 90 properties available because

October 2021 Property Market Report for Orgiva Property, Lanjaron Property and Lecrin Valley Property Read More »